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General Rules 1. 1980 OR newer front wheel drive, 4-cylinder passenger cars only. No all-wheel drive or all wheel steering allowed. No vans or pickup trucks.
2. Body must maintain original dimensions, standard as from the manufacturer. Sheet metal body ok. Aftermarket nose and tail may be used. Rear may be open. Aftermarket wing/spoiler OK on rear of car.
3. Front fire wall must have all holes closed off. Fabricated dash and sheet metal interior ok.(Must have two access holes for inspection.) Floor pan, front and rear wheel wells must remain stock. If a stock fuel tank is used, the trunk pan must be in place, if fuel cell is used must have a rear fire wall in place. (If the stock tank is behind the rear axle it must be replaced with a fuel cell enclosed in a steel can mounted securely in the center of the trunk.)
4. All glass and interior trim must be removed. All flammable material must be removed.
5. Hood must be held shut with at least two hood pins.
6. All vehicles must have a seamless tubing 4-point roll cage with X braced hoop behind the driver and a minimum of three door bars with vertical bracing from top to bottom. Where bars connect to the frame must be a minimum 1/4-inch steel plate welded to the frame in a secure and safe manner. Front and rear bars OK but cannot protrude beyond bodywork. Main components of 4-point cage and driver's door bars must be at minimum 1.5”x.095” tubing. Must add 3 crash bars in front of the driver. Engine/Transmission
7. NO PERFORMANCE ENGINES. Stock 4-cylinder engine only. Maximum displacement of 2.2 Liters. No variable valve timing engines. Engine must remain stock as delivered by the factory and must remain in stock location. No Cosworth or rotary engines. No turbocharged or supercharged engines. ABSOLUTELY NO NITROUS. All engines must be for the make/brand of car for which they were manufactured. All internal and external parts must be for the engine being claimed. No engine components can be lightened, altered, or modified in any way. ARP rod bolts, head studs, reusable gaskets o.k. but must be stock thickness. No performance gaskets or spacers. No high-performance components or aftermarket will be allowed in the engine or drivetrain. Stock carburetor or fuel injection system for the engine being competed only. Factory air box and piping with factory type filter (washable okay) or cone type air filter attached to corrugated piping inside of engine compartment may be used. (No slick wall piping) Cone filter may be attached directly to the throttle body. (K&N ok) Exhaust manifold must remain stock with a pipe extending beyond the driver’s seat, parallel to the ground. Headers allowed only as delivered from factory for make/brand of car. All flywheels must be stock as delivered from the factory. Saturns with a 1.9L engine may lighten factory flywheels to 13lbs.
*** May Bore engines up to .40 over.
*** Pump Gas Only! No racing Fuel, Methanol, Alcohol, ETC... Weight
8. Up to 1.9L 2100 lbs 2.0L and up 2200 lbs
9. There are no longer any weight breaks for safety equipment. Strongly recommend, full containment seat, and head & neck restraint. Fire extinguisher is required! Transmissions
10. All transmissions must have all working gears including reverse. No lightening, altering or removal of gears or transmission components. Open differentials may be welded. Suspension
11. Only stock suspension parts allowed, suspension parts must match the make of vehicle not model (GM for GM, Honda for Honda, ETC..). Drilling or notching of the stock suspension parts for camber is OK, can not alter top strut mounting location. Everything must be performed in a manner deemed safe by tech officials. Safety hubs OK. Cars may be lowered with stock parts only. No performance or aftermarket shocks/struts, O.E. replacement or equivalent only. No adjustable coil overs. Stock shock location only. Rear suspension may reinforce the rear axle with 1 piece of tubing from side to side, anything else will be considered wrong. Brakes
12. Must have functional OEM front brakes. Rear brakes may be removed. No bias adjusters or shut offs allowed. Wheels and Tires
13. 7-inch wide maximum. Racing wheels okay. May run a racing wheel with beadlock on the right front only if stock wheels on other 3. No excessive offset from stock wheels.
14. Tires must have DOT stamp and are legal for highway use. No performance, trick, gumball, fancy or exotic tires of any kind allowed. Track or series officials reserves the right to disallow any tire from use in competition in this class. Safety
15. SFI or FIA approved racing seat with minimum 5-point harness required. Harnesses must be SFI or FIA certified and must be in date. Fire extinguisher with a gauge, mounted in a quick release harness in the reach of the driver is mandatory. Racing helmet with SA2015 rating required. No motorcycle helmets.
16. Anything to promote safety may be added with approval from the tech man. Buy Rule
17. CAMSHAFT BUY RULE $100 PER CAM. Only the car behind can buy.
*Computer Buy Rule $200. Top 5 can buy, furthest car back gets first choice.
*Transmission Buy Rule $500. Only the car behind can buy.
*Engine Buy Rule $1,000. No bolt ons included. Only the car behind can buy.
PROTEST -Any item tech man deems altered or not approved will be disqualified if not covered in rules.
18. 3 item protest, $300. Acceptance $100, Track/ Series retains $100, All Items must be outside of engine.
19. Complete engine protest. $500. $200 acceptance fee. Track/ Series retains $200.
20. Fuel Protest. $125 Only car behind can protest. Fuel Sample will be sent to Blue Ridge Labs, $125 Acceptance Winner of protest retains money. 21. Visual protest $25 must be presented to the tech man 30 minutes before the main event.
22. Top five cars will be visually inspected directly after the main event each race. All cars may be subject to random inspection at any time. 23. Looking for small or unimportant errors or faults will not be tolerated or allowed. We are aware that this rule book may not cover every situation or issue. Officials have final say on ALL protested or claimed item issues.
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